Your order details

Prefer to write in active voice and make sure to properly connect all the parts of your sentence.

Stand out from crowd. A cover letter increases your chances by up to 25%!

applicants to stay this step and write a cover letter.

What would you like to design?

Ask your users what they would like to design

Where should we send the link?

This form of sentence propels the user to act because humans find it difficult to leave a question unanswered when they can answer it.

Save this search. Not finding what you’re looking for? Save [your search] to get email alerts and updates on our platform feed

You can offer users to save the search so they can get alerts about it in the future.

Can’t rename “Photos” because a file with that name already exists. Please choose a different name.

It explains: what the error is a rename error. why it happened because another file with that name exists. how the user can overcome it, by specifying a different name. The issue doesn’t turn into an insurmountable obstacle.

Sign up now. 30 day free trial

Immediately remind them of the value: a 30-day free trial

See what we found today in the market

Encourage the users to navigate through your online shop and by the product(s).

Hey, we recognize this email! Want to log in?

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

Close the map

Prefer to write in active voice and make sure to properly connect all the parts of your sentence.

The city is unknown. Please enter a valid city.

Don’t make the user guess why the error occurred. Use a validation text to tell the user what went and why it went wrong

What can we help you with?

The placeholder motivates users to find their personal answers and dive into the site.

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