Yes, cancel this order

Instead of cancel, it’s better to use the words Yes

Do you want to share with us other cool accessories that we haven’t thought about?

Connect the sentence to the subject matter of the site

Your archives are empty. Boards you don’t use go here until you need them again.

Create empty states to show exactly in new users how your system works, and how they can make the best out of it.

Search for artists, bands, tracks, podcasts

Defining categories helps reduce the choice range, enabling users to focus on the possibilities, and guiding them on the best way to use the field.

See how [company name] can help me

Create a button that delivers important information, and no one said that buttons need to be short.

Sign up now. 30 day free trial

Immediately remind them of the value: a 30-day free trial

What do you want to learn?

The placeholder motivates users to find their personal answers and dive into the site.

Incorrect email or password. All passwords must be 6 characters.

Don’t tell the user tha password is wrong. Say way is wrong (the reason).

Ready, set, let’s get notified! Here’s where you’ll get notified in real-time every time someone @mentions you or replies to one of your updates.

Create empty states to show exactly in new users how your system works, and how they can make the best out of it.

With this gift card you can shop in 25 selected stores

Use it when you want to talk only about your users, what they receive; how they will get rid of their problems and fulfill their dreams.

Until we take care of it, here are some other pages that might interest you

Using simple words to explains the problem beautifully.

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