Microcopies related to Forms / Form labels

Stand out from crowd. A cover letter increases your chances by up to 25%!

applicants to stay this step and write a cover letter.

Does the color of the balloons not match the napkins and you need to return them?

Connect the sentence to the subject matter of the site

Why should take this course?

Use a label to help instructors describe their course in a very practical way.

Where should we send the link?

This form of sentence propels the user to act because humans find it difficult to leave a question unanswered when they can answer it.

What would you like to design?

Ask your users what they would like to design

Your shopping card is empty. Don’t let it stay empty. Add items to your wishlist.

Used to encourage users to continue exploring.

Do you have any questions about our colored confetti?

Connect the sentence to the subject matter of the site


With this gift card you can shop in 25 selected stores

Use it when you want to talk only about your users, what they receive; how they will get rid of their problems and fulfill their dreams.

Your password must be at least 6 characters.

Note:This text appears as soon as user puts focus on the password field. It appears inline, so as not to bump down other pages elements.

Do you want to share with us other cool accessories that we haven’t thought about?

Connect the sentence to the subject matter of the site

What knowledge & tools are required?

Help users describe the knowledge and tools in a very practical way.

By telling us more about what you do, we can create better designs for you.

Invite your users to describe their business.

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