Microcopies related to Error messages

Unfortunately we do not recognise those details. Please try again

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

Incorrect email or password. All passwords must be 6 characters.

Don’t tell the user tha password is wrong. Say way is wrong (the reason).

Phone number should be 10 digits

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

Uh oh – this email address looks wrong.

Show this error as soon as the user has left the “Email” field

Hey, we recognize this email! Want to log in?

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

Direct flights to Dublin are only available in August

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

Can’t rename “Photos” because a file with that name already exists. Please choose a different name.

It explains: what the error is a rename error. why it happened because another file with that name exists. how the user can overcome it, by specifying a different name. The issue doesn’t turn into an insurmountable obstacle.

The city is unknown. Please enter a valid city.

Don’t make the user guess why the error occurred. Use a validation text to tell the user what went and why it went wrong

Incorrect email or password. All passwords must be at least 6 characters.

Don’t just tell the user the password is wrong – say why (if there is a reason)

Oops, that email’s taken on your password’s incorrect. Reset it?

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

Reservations can be maximum 30 nights long.

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

Oops! You need to type your email here.

Write a simple and human message and for each required field, you can provide unique wording.

Looks like you’ve already registered with this email. Want to sign in?

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

Hey, we need a password here.

Write a simple and human message and for each required field, you can provide unique wording.

Sorry, we got confused. Please try refreshing the page or closing and re-opening your browser window.

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

Sorry, we couldn’t find an account with that username. Can we help you recover your username?

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

Unfortunately, this promotion is only available for new users.

Write a helpful and descriptive message as to why it’s invalid, thereby helping the user to understand what action they need to take next. It prevents users from abandoning a product altogether.

Last name, too, please!

Write a simple and human message and for each required field, you can provide unique wording.

We need your first name – it’s nicer that way.

Write a simple and human message and for each required field, you can provide unique wording.

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