Enter your new search here!

You can use it in empty states of search results. Give a direction to the users on what exactly need to do and where.

Shop curated collections

Dive the users in a specific path to shop the collections.

Your bag is empty.. Time to check out the new collection!

Make it clear that the shopping cart is empty, and give the option for the users to navigate in the most common collections.

Get a 30-day free trial

Immediately remind them of the value: a 30-day free trial

Yes, cancel this order

Instead of cancel, it’s better to use the words Yes

We’ll send you a link that you can use to change your password securely.


Search images, videos and vectors

Create a placeholder that suggests the best search categories.

Your shopping cart is empty. Add something awesome! Check out today’s deals, new designs, or fun stuff

Make it clear that the shopping cart is empty, and you can refer users to the three most interesting pages in the shop.

Buy your next car with peace of mind

Change the focus of your texts to what users will gain rather than what they need to do to benefit.

Until we take care of it, here are some other pages that might interest you

Using simple words to explains the problem beautifully.

Save these settings

Prefer to write in active voice and make sure to properly connect all the parts of your sentence.

To conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.


Oops, that email’s taken on your password’s incorrect. Reset it?

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

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