Log in to your account only. Never log in to your friend’s account.

Stick with the same terminology to describe actions and objects across the entire user experience. Using two term interchangeably-even when they mean the same thing—can confuse users.

Your first design is going to be amazing. Everything you design will appear here. To get started, create a design using the search bar above.

Encourage the users to create amazing things. Refer users to the search bar to begin.

You haven’t added any items to your basked yet, but here are some of our hottest offers :

Encourage the users to buy directly the product(s).

Incorrect email or password. All passwords must be 6 characters.

Don’t tell the user tha password is wrong. Say way is wrong (the reason).

Example : Be able to read sheet music and be familiar with music theory terms. A piano is optional

Help instructors describe their course in a very practical way.

No, nevermind

Instead of Undo or Yes, try to add a word or two to make it conclusive.

It’ll be our secret

Use it to make users smile and for sure the password can be kept secret.

Giving you the power to make better business decisions


e.g., We are a small organic shop located in Sparta focused on a young cool audience

Provides the type of required information: size, industry, location, and target audience.

Last name, too, please!

Write a simple and human message and for each required field, you can provide unique wording.

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