No, nevermind

Instead of Undo or Yes, try to add a word or two to make it conclusive.

Your order details

Prefer to write in active voice and make sure to properly connect all the parts of your sentence.

The city is unknown. Please enter a valid city.

Don’t make the user guess why the error occurred. Use a validation text to tell the user what went and why it went wrong

We didn’t drink our coffee this morning and our links got confused. The page you wanted isn’t here. We’re really sorry. Until we take care of it, here are some other pages that might interest you:

Explain the problem beautifully, using simple words, take full responsibility for the problem, and at the end offer a few links as the way out.

Phone number should be 10 digits

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

We’ll send you a link that you can use to change your password securely.


There’s nobody here yet! Get out there and find someone you’d like to talk to.

Encourage users to go ahead and explore the site

Giving you the power to make better business decisions


Unfortunately we do not recognise those details. Please try again

Simply describe the problem in the most service-oriented way and in a pleasant conversational tone, and then propose a solution.

You haven’t ordered a delivery yet, but our seasonal fruits will have you drooling.

Both the users’ experience and their willingness to buy something will be dramatically enhanced.

Get 25% off!

Transfer the weight from the registration to the reason for registering, and can be very effective.

To help people around the world plan and have the perfect trip


Save My Seat >>

Create a clear and effective button that transfers the weight from the registration to the reason for registering.

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