Discover the best ideas of microcopy
203 microcopies are submitted until now!
Only enter your details once
Even if registration is required, give your users good reasons to invest the next two minutes of their lives in registering on your product.
Your basked is empty. Need some help finding a book? We sell over 18 million titles at unbeatable prices with free delivery worldwide. Explore our bestsellers to find your next favourite book!
The promise of low prices, free delivery, social proof of bestsellers, and a helping hand. Turn the basket into one that makes you want to set sail on your next reading adventure.
Save recipes across devices, write reviews, and share your own photos!
Your bag is empty.. Time to check out the new collection!
Make it clear that the shopping cart is empty, and give the option for the users to navigate in the most common collections.
Your card is empty. What to change that?
Dive your users in a specific path to buy your products.
Track orders, delivery, and purchase history
Even if registration is required, give your users good reasons to invest the next two minutes of their lives in registering on your product.
Where should we send the link?
This form of sentence propels the user to act because humans find it difficult to leave a question unanswered when they can answer it.
It’ll be our secret
Use it to make users smile and for sure the password can be kept secret.
Fresh, provocative and insanely addictive content delivered weekly.
YFS Magazine
Your shopping card is empty. Don’t let it stay empty. Add items to your wishlist.
Used to encourage users to continue exploring.
Discover the best ideas of microcopy
203 microcopies are submitted until now!