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203 microcopies are submitted until now!

Ready, set, let’s get notified! Here’s where you’ll get notified in real-time every time someone @mentions you or replies to one of your updates.

Create empty states to show exactly in new users how your system works, and how they can make the best out of it.

Second-hand car – no hassle, and with a full warranty

Change the focus of your texts to what users will gain rather than what they need to do to benefit.

To create a better everyday life for the many people.


Your shopping cart is empty. Add something awesome! Check out today’s deals, new designs, or fun stuff

Make it clear that the shopping cart is empty, and you can refer users to the three most interesting pages in the shop.

Put your debts behind you

Change the focus of your texts to what users will gain rather than what they need to do to benefit.

You card is empty.. for now . We’ll show you where to dive in.

Dive the users in a specific path to buy your products.

To develop new technologies, innovative products and creative solutions.


There’s nobody here yet! Get out there and find someone you’d like to talk to.

Encourage users to go ahead and explore the site

Your shopping card is empty, neglected and poor. Add items to relive it. Continue shopping. What’t fun?

Make clear that the bag is empty. Motivate the users to buy something and provide links.

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203 microcopies are submitted until now!