Discover the best ideas of microcopy
203 microcopies are submitted until now!
Save this search. Not finding what you’re looking for? Save [your search] to get email alerts and updates on our platform feed
You can offer users to save the search so they can get alerts about it in the future.
e.g., We are a small organic shop located in Sparta focused on a young cool audience
Provides the type of required information: size, industry, location, and target audience.
Get a clear view of the day ahead. All your tasks are due today will show up here.
If you still haven’t posted a task for today, not only tells you that once you do you’ll see it here but also why it’s worthwhile to list your tasks. It gives you a clear view of the day ahead.
What’s on your mind, Vasilis?
You don’t steer thoughts towards something that’s happening outside, but towards something that is happening in users’ own heads.
Access to a restricted area of the site, or to special features
Even if registration is required, give your users good reasons to invest the next two minutes of their lives in registering on your product.
Join now and start to… (edit photos, find friends, or whatever it is users do with your product)
Appeal directly to your users and welcome them using conversational writing.
No tags yet. This is you can easily find and manage all of the tags your team is using.
Create empty states to show exactly in new users how your system works, and how they can make the best out of it.
Find me the best flight!
Create an effective search box that transfers the weight from the searching to the reason for the search.
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Marie Forleo
Discover the best ideas of microcopy
203 microcopies are submitted until now!