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Encourage the users to use your shop and buy.

What service are you looking for?

The placeholder informs users what type of search terms will get the best results on this platform – services.

Yes, cancel this order

Instead of cancel, it’s better to use the words Yes

What can we help you with?

The placeholder motivates users to find their personal answers and dive into the site.

e.g. What’s the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?

Anwser and explain a complex idea.

Show them that you’re the best person for this job. Go ahead and brag about your skills, experience and magic touch.

Make clear the purpose of the cover letter and provide the main topics the users can write about.

This is the first time is happens to us, Really!

Using simple words to explains the problem beautifully.

Your password must be at least 6 characters.

Note:This text appears as soon as user puts focus on the password field. It appears inline, so as not to bump down other pages elements.

How would you like to pay?

Use the active structure of the spoken sentence because it focuses on the person you are talking to.

By telling us more about what you do, we can create better designs for you.

Invite your users to describe their business.

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203 microcopies are submitted until now!